Success Story
Meet Ange and Richard
Siblings Ange and Richard fled the violence in the Congo with their single mom. They arrived in the US with high school educations but no documentation from their diplomas.
Within six months of arrival they had earned their GEDs with help from tutoring and study materials provided by RAP.
Then RAP volunteers helped them enroll and apply for scholarships with Union County College for their associates degrees. We also provided some of the text books and other supplies necessary for classes.
Now, two years later, both have completed their programs at UCC and have gone on to apply to finish their baccalaureate degrees. Ange will be attending Columbia University and Richard will be continuing his education at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).
This extraordinary achievement is indicative of these young adults' unsurpassed drive to succeed. We're proud to have helped connect them with the resources and tools to be able to pursue their dreams.