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Volunteer Activities

Thinking of becoming a volunteer? (see Join Our Team)There are many ways that you can be part of RAP and help resettled families in Union County.  For example:

Driver - Pick up and/or drop off individuals and family groups at their homes (from various locations). Drive clients to healthcare and other appointments, deliver food/clothing, etc.

May require ability to properly install a child seat. Requires proof of personal auto insurance to enable RAP-provided liability insurance as secondary coverage.


Tutor - Work singly and in groups with adults and/or children of all ages and abilities, on functional English language acquisition and improvement, math and other school work, and various life skills such as counting, communicating needs, or drivers' education. 


Lessons are conducted primarily online, based on a schedule mutually agreeable to tutors and students; some in-person sessions may be available if preferred. ESL or teaching experience in any subject is strongly suggested, but not required

Interpreter/Translator - Ability to interpret (verbal) and/or translate (written), in person and/or by phone, for client families who have limited English proficiency.  Requested languages include Arabic, Pashto, Dari, Urdu, Swahili, French, and Spanish. Other languages may be of help as well.  Spoken and written fluency preferred.


Family Team – Help orient client family to their new community by teaching/ demonstrating aspects of everyday life in American culture, such as bills, housing issues, trips to social service offices, mail, appointments, money management, shopping, debit and credit cards, medications and health issues, schooling, transportation, etc. Combination of in-person and remote work.

Employment Search -  Help identify employment options for newcomer client adults.  Experience with resume-building or in Human Resources is helpful, but not required.

Housing Search - Help identify safe, clean, affordable housing options (short-term and/or long-term) according to preset guidelines regarding access to community resources.

Donations Coordinator - Coordinate donations gathered (individual or bulk), help sort/organize/package appropriately, and/or deliver to client families at their homes. Maintain general inventory of materials collected and their storage locations. Coordinator is the point person for donation drive offers within the community.

Donations Processing/Delivery - Gather donations (individual or bulk), help sort/organize/package appropriately, and/or deliver to client families at their homes.

Social Services Team Member - Assist adult newcomer clients with completing applications for social services, public benefits, Medicaid, etc. Interpretation/translation for clients' participation is prearranged.

Social Media Administrator – Produce content and maintain RAP’s Facebook site, posting news, pictures, and publicizing events. Build our presence on other social media platforms, such as Instagram.

Grant Writer  - Identify local and national grant opportunities to support RAP's efforts. Work with other team members to build a strong case for funding within the guidelines and timeframes provided by the grantors.

Support Content Editor - Contribute and/or edit content for general information, volunteer instruction manuals, training guides, etc. Work remotely on your own schedule, either singly or in teams.

RAP Ambassador - Assist with community outreach in written form and/or public speaking.




Packing school supplies

Food delivery during height of Covid


While we strive to help our families to achieve self-sufficiency, basic needs often cannot be met with just the official support (if any) they receive.  That's when we step in to help with items like car seats, school uniforms, baby clothes and diapers, furniture, partial rent assistance in emergency situations and help with security deposits.

Please consider making a monetary donation to help us meet these challenges.  We are a 501 (c) (3) public charity and your donations are tax-deductible.

A bicycle means independence



PO Box 736
Scotch Plains, NJ  07076

© Refugee Assistance Partners of NJ, 2020




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