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Our Strategic Plan

Almost a year in the making, this plan sets the foundation to both sustain RAP's current service levels, as well as to expand our service in the future to work with more people in a consistent and strengths-based way. The past two years have been chaotic in the resettlement landscape, so we are ready to focus more intentionally on building out our infrastructure and capacity. In doing so, we can ensure that RAP is working efficiently, effectively, and consistently to serve our clients to the best of our ability.

With a clarified Mission, solid Values, and an adaptable Committee structure, we will work towards our Initiatives and Focuses. But here's the thing - we need your help! So, if you or somebody you know would like to get involved in any specific part of the organization, please reach out! As you can see in the document, there are many interesting ways to plug in.

Please email execuitve director Jill Segulin directly at to talk about a best match for you and to sign up for a committee.  Whether you want to dive in to direct client work, help with support services, or just dip your toes in, we will find the right fit for you!



PO Box 736
Scotch Plains, NJ  07076

© Refugee Assistance Partners of NJ, 2020




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