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Family Stories

Since our all-volunteer group started in 2015, we've been honored to work with over 150 refugees as they begin their new lives in America. The majority of the families and individuals we work with are from the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is by far the largest source of refugees resettled in the U.S. 

The location of their initial resettlement is determined by the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) branch of the Department of Homeland Security and unfortunately often does not take into account the location of already settled friends and families.

As a result, families arriving in New Jersey often don't know anyone else from their homeland and are forced to begin the difficult transition from a refugee camp to life in the U.S. alone.

That's where RAP comes in.  Our mission to choose welcome has been a lifeline for the men, women and children who have endured years of deprivation and now have a chance for a better life.  The stories we share here are emblematic of the harsh realities of our families' lives as well as the joys and accomplishments that mark their progress to self-sufficiency and self-determination.

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